21pneuma — pneu•ma [[t]ˈnu mə, ˈnyu [/t]] n. pl. mas the vital spirit; soul • Etymology: 1875–80; < Gk pneûma lit., breath, wind; akin to pneîn to breathe …
22Pneuma (disambiguation) — Pneuma (πνεύμα) is an ancient Greek word for breath, given various technical meanings by medical writers and philosophers of antiquity, including::* Pneuma, air in motion, breath, wind, equivalent in the material monism of Anaximenes to aer (ἀήρ …
23Pneuma Recordings — is a drum and bass record label based out of San Francisco, USA. Dj Abstract is the label owner. Notable artists* Dj Abstract * UFO! * Subcode * E Sassin * BitterootDiscography*PNE 001 DJ Abstract Aura Two / Area Code (12 ) *PNE 002 DJ Abstract… …
24Pneuma (Stoic) — In Stoic philosophy, pneuma (πνεῦμα) is the concept of the breath of life, a mixture of the elements air (in motion) and fire (as warmth). [ Stoicism, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Taylor Francis, 1998), p. 145.] Originating among Greek… …
25Pneuma (ancient medicine) — In ancient Greek medicine, pneuma is the form of air required by various organs to function. It is the material that sustains consciousness in a body. According to Diocles and Praxagoras, the psychic pneuma mediates between the heart, regarded as …
26pneuma — noun Etymology: Greek Date: 1884 soul, spirit …
27pneuma — In ancient Greek philosophy and medicine : 1. Air or an all pervading fiery essence in the air (which today would be identified with oxygen), which was the creative and animating spirit of the universe; drawn into the body through the lungs, it… …
28pneuma — (греч.) дуновение, дыхание, ветер …
29pneuma — (Gk., breath) In Greek and particularly in Stoic thought, the spirit, force, or creative fire that infuses the bodies of human beings …
30pneuma — (pneu ma) s. m. 1° Souffle ou esprit aérien auquel, dans l antiquité, certains médecins attribuaient la cause de la vie, et, par suite, des maladies. 2° Nom que les stoïciens donnaient à un prétendu principe de nature spirituelle, qu ils… …